Establishment of the Center

Literally transferring development models and methods of development from developed countries to developing countries is neither correct nor successful in implementation, due to the different needs, cultures, approaches and strategic requirements of these countries. Development plans need to be formulated with this vision and stem from the core of these needs and aspirations and be taught by local planners who are familiar with the reality, needs and cultures of their countries.

Based on this, there was an urgent need for planners who work on setting the specifications and methods of planning in its various stages and levels (local, urban, and regional), in light of the movement of urbanization and development in the country. This is what came out of the scientific symposium that was held by the Ministry of Planning in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in 1970, and based on that, the law of establishing the Center of Urban and Regional Planning No. 116 of 1971 was issued at the University of Baghdad.