The master’s thesis entitled (Spatial Justice in Planning Youth and Sports Forums/Baghdad Study Area) was discussed at the Urban and Regional Planning Center for Graduate Studies at the University of Baghdad, by the student Tahani Salman Fankhal. The research aimed to study the concept of spatial justice in providing urban facilities and evaluating current strategies for allocating these facilities to achieve spatial justice in their distribution, especially youth and sports facilities, as they are important social services in the city that contribute to building one of the segments of society and lead to achieving justice in the distribution of services.

The study hypothesis was based on the lack of justice in the distribution of forums, as spatial justice in providing any service expresses good planning for any city. The study recommended the importance of reconsidering the distribution of youth and sports forums and choosing sites that achieve a safe access distance for them, and relying on local planning standards in distributing those forums in addition to their area compatible with planning standards, and using modern technological methods in distributing and signing forums and the necessity of involving young people in cities to plan youth and sports forums and giving them the opportunity to maintain their facilities.


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